Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jeff Dunham

This will be my fist review and the reason I'm using Jeff Dunham as my first review is because he came out with a Christmas special and he is hilarious. Correction his characters are hilarious since he is a ventriloquist. His characters consist of the following:

Walter, a bitter old man ( in all three DVDs)
Peanut, the purple monkey looking creature ( in all three DVDs)
José Jalapeño on a stick ( in all three DVDs)
Achmed the Dead Terrorist ( the funniest by far) (Spark of Insanity and Christmas Special)
Bubba J ( white trash trailer park) (Arguing with Myself and Christmas Special)
Melvin the Superhero (Spark of Insanity)
Sweet Daddy D. (Jeff's manager (pimp)) ( Arguing with Myself)

His DVDs that are available are the following:
Jeff Dunham: Arguing with myself

This is the DVD of when I learned about Jeff Dunham's because I was going through the clearance sales of stand up and it was listed for $7 three years ago and it actually has now went up because he is getting so popular. His youtube videos are out of this world on the popularity scale. Anyway this dvd is really good because in this is the only one you see a lot of Sweet Daddy D which is Jeff's pimp which you won't see on any of the other DVD's. My favorite line of his is "You the hoe." He is a player in a management profession. (P.I.M.P.)

Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity

This is the DVD most people know him for is because of his most famous character is introduced in this one. Achmed the Dead Terrorist is the star of the show "Shut up or I'll kill you" gets me every time. This is definitely worth getting because you will watch over and over again. The you tube video of Achmed is like up to 73 million views. This is insane for a comedian routine.

The reason I'm writing this post is because of his newest release and that is

Jeff Dunham: Very Special Christmas Special

The first showing of this special premiered on Comedy central on Sunday, November 16, 2008.

click on link if you want to see when its showing again.

This comedy special I was looking forward to because I knew that Achmed would be doing his Christmas song "Jingle Bombs."

The special over a whole on comedy central seems really short because it has many breaks in between the comedy. In no way is this one better than Spark of Insanity. However, the Bubba J part of the show was very creative by Jeff. I really enjoyed his part because it was all new and original. The Peanut part of the show I usually look forward to but this time it was a little annoying especially the NyQuil and Red bull part. I think Jeff was trying to show his untouchable skill of ventriloquism. I wish Jeff would have had all his characters on this special. Melvin the superhero and Sweet Daddy D didn't make the show which I know could have been used in the show. Overall this is worth watching for getting in the Christmas spirit.

This Sunday Stephen T. Colbert (my favorite pundit) is having a Christmas special on Comedy Central.

People to watch this week in the comedy world:
Brian Regan
Bill Engvall
Ralphie May

Tonight I have got to the Delta WaterFowl banquet for work.

Man I hope that Aflac duck shows up.... I've been waiting for this moment... Got my gun all sited in....

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